We had our baptism this weekend. Lee was baptized (by his father in law) and confirmed. I'm pretty happy for him and his family, They have the temple as their next goal, and a great family friend/ home teacher that will take care of them, and make sure they stay on the straight and narrow.
On the note of baptism, the Beaumont Stake/Zone is really pumped up right now because last month 16 people were baptized, which broke the old 30 yr record of people baptized in a month by 4 and those 16 people represented 1/2...1/2 of the people baptized in the mission. To bad I wasn't here during that month:-( This morning our Zone Leaders told us that we're already at 9 baptisms for this month, so we're pretty pumped up!
I think you should just save the Pageant shirt. I already have more T-shirts than I need. I need to send 1-2 home. That's pretty cool that your going to be on a 75th Anniversary Hill Cumorah Pageant committee next year, and that we don't half to "hope" we'll get in next year. I just realized you're still driving as I type this, that's a LOOONNNGGG drive!
Yeah I like President Crawford, he's defiantly not Pres. Moldenhauer, but that's to be expected, and that's not bad either. It's hard to explain the difference between them, Pres. Moldenhauer had a kind of intensity about him. His big thing was "Obedience with Hard Work". It sounds like President Crawford's thing will be "Preach My Gospel".
Yeah I like Elder Shepherd, he's a hard worker and wants to be obedient. It's hard to believe we've already been together 4 weeks.
Today is our Zone P-day we're going bowling, well I'm not I can't afford it this has been a pretty hard month on my monthly missionary funds. It should still be fun though to talk with friends. The last time I went bowling I just got frustrated because I stunk.
OK, well I'm out of time have a safe trip.
Love you guys bye!
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