Wednesday, June 22, 2011

May 31, 2011


If you don't want that snow up their I'll gladly take it down here, cool things off. I think it's safe to say summer has officially arrived.

I sent a package today. I think you should get it about Thursday. One of the things in it is a conference CD case full of MoTab. I was hoping that dad could burn copies since some of the CDs are starting to get scratched. Also in the case is a list of songs I was hoping dad could burn some mix CDs from. Also, somewhere on there are some CDs that can be downloaded I think they are called "A brand New Year". There's one for 2010, and one for 2011 if dad can figure it out I would appreciated it if you would send those out to me. Yes, they are approved. Needless to say after 18 Months I'm getting tired of Motab. I also sent a Memory card in the package FYI.

Ummm... another story.... I don't know we've kind of ground to a halt in missionary work. We still have our 3 investigators with baptism dates 2-July 9th, 1- Aug.-20th.

We spoke in sacrament last Sunday. I spoke on the Holy Ghost out of Pres. Eyring's talk "Serve With the Spirit". Like 4-5 people got on to me about being soft spoken, but other than that it went well. Oh and over half the congregation were visitors.
I had leadership training last Tues-Weds. It was pretty good learned a lot of good stuff. I found out President Crawford comes in either the last Tuesday or Wednesday of June (Pres. Moldenhaure's dates don't match) and the next morning Wednesday or Thursday President and Sister Moldenhaure will be driving back to Idaho.

Yesterday and kind of today my alergies have been real bad. I have been taking clariton but if it stays bad I'll start taking Allegra. That's what Sister Moldenhaure recommended.

Got to go.
Love you Bye

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