Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Novemeber 15, 2010

Hi Everyone,

That e-mail you got was actualy an automated response I set up. So, if you write me it will tell you I will write you on my P-Day. I didn't think it was turned on yet.

The weather has really cooled down here. It's getting down to the 50's and 40's at night.' I like it though. It's easier to stay warm than to stay cool.

Transfers are a week from today, we'll see what happens.

We get to go to the temple tomorrow!! I'm excited. We also get to go to the bookstore, the only Mormon store for probably hundreds of miles. I know there aren't any in T.H.E. Mission.

Let's see.... a good story.....Hmmmm. Ok, here you go. I took a 15 min. power nap during lunch (Saturday). I was too lazy to crawl under the blanket , and I didn't want to wrinkle up my clothes. So I laid on top of the blanket and flipped the sides up and over me. Kind of like a cocoon. It was light too, so I covered up my face with the blanket and put my hands on my face to keep it from falling off( hope this is making sense). Well, I got up and went into the bathroom, and there was /is a bruise right in the middle of my forehead just above the eyes. Eveyone says it looks like I got hit with a stick, or somone took a straiting iron to my forehead and burned it. The best part, I had to speak in Sacrament meeting the next day (Yesterday). So, that's what's new with me, a mysterious brusie that dosen't hurt on my forehead.

Is it all snowy up there yet?

Oh ya, in the smallest most minute possibility of a chance that you DON'T know Robin REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wants a cell phone. (I got your letters.)
Well, I need to go, hope all is well,
love you guys

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