Can't believe I fly out on Wednesday. I got some pictures sent off to be developed. I will mail them today or tomorrow. I will also mail the SD card in my camera back tomorrow so you can get the pictures I took yesterday and Saturday. Feel free to e-mail me now. i'm pretty sure I get more e-mail time out in the field. Don't send any Dear Elders after today because I don't know if I will get them before I leave.
Yesterday at breakfast Elizabeth Smart sat next to me and started talking with the elders across the table from my district. She asked us all where we were from ( She only asked me because it was polite). I didn't really talk to her but I was talking with the Elder from my district. I also saw yesterday an Elder from school, The one who said he was coming to my farewell but didn't. Turns out he tried, but went to the wrong building. He said they were talking about someone dying or something. Elder Mayne, the Managing director of the missionary dep. (or something like that) talked to us yesterday. He showed us alot of the TV spots he helped to make.
So the 4 Elders going to Australia of the 9 Elders in my district are flying out tonight. Last night MOST of the elders in my district wanted to have a slumber party in one of our rooms. I only went because I coun't sleep in my room alone. MOST of the Elders (not me and my companion) wanted to "penny lock" the rest of our zone in their rooms during the night. Penny Locking a room is pushing on the bottom of the door so hard that the door flexes, then put pennies between the door and the frame to keep the door under pressure so that there is so much force on the lock that the friction between the frame and the part of the doorknob that goes in the frame will make it impossible to turn the knob. If that makes sense. So most of our district went out to do that at 11:00 pm, but they got caught by the zone leaders who said they reported it to the branch presidency. So, we will have to see if there is any kind of punishment. Don't worry, my companion and I stayed in the room, well, I peaked out and left the room once for a few seconds to see how they did it and what they were doing.
7 minutes left.... I'm getting my PMG laminated. Oh Yah, I with drew $ to pay for the $56 shot and get some spending money. Did you PUSH DOWN on the "tide to go" for Cameron' s science fair experiment? Because it seems to do wonders here... Go figure I have not bought a recorder yet, but will today.
Apparently Australia has different cuss words than America. Like Drap is and the H work is not.
Oh Yah, the ceiling above 2 of our showers fell out. That is one of the pics that is on the SD card. I am sending this because I am almost out of time.
20 seconds left.... I 'll call Dad on Wednesday.